Christmas 2022

We set out for my in-law's and I had with me several rolls of film and my M4-P. A friend had given me several interesting rolls of film as a surprise so I was eager to try out some new stuff. As soon as we got through security, I loaded up a roll of Ilford Delta 3200. Despite its name, the real ISO of this film is around 1000 but I had heard people got good results exposing for about 1250 ISO and developing in HC-110, so that's what I planned for. Here's my favorites from this roll:

My in-law's live near a state forest in Indiana and my wife and her dad and I took a hike on the trails there, the weather was not exactly ideal but it was a really nice hike, and there's definitely some scenic spots along the way. I finished out the roll of 3200 here.

I stepped in a mud bog right at the very end of the hike d'oh

I'm not impressed at all with the performance of Delta 3200, even when shot at this speed. I feel like the grain is so extreme, and I'd rather shoot HP5+ pushed to 1600, which is what I shot next.  

I really like the tonality of the HP5 vs the Delta. 

I finished up the trip in color, Vison3 200T.

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